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Image by Blake Wheeler

Why is picking               Your comfort
  So important?


Single stage vs. Multi stage

   Whats the big fuss?

Single stage equipment today is an old way of heating spaces within homes. This type of equipment operates at 100% capacity 'pedal to the metal' even if our homes aren't in need of the furnace's full capacity.


Imagine if every time you cooked a pot of soup, you turned on all of the burners and set them to max every time, all to heat one pot of soup. That is what a single stage piece of equipment is doing the majority of the time when it kicks on.


A multi stage piece of equipment will stage itself according to need or time, there are several immediate benefits of this but the biggest is comfort.

Improved comfort levels

    Slow and steady wins the race

A multi stage piece of equipment has the ability to run at a lower speed for a longer period of time. The significance of this feature is that it heats and cools the space steadily with low energy consumption over a longer period of time, rather than blasting the space with cold or hot air and then shutting off. Once the HVAC system shuts down, mother nature starts over by allowing the hot air to rise and the cooler air to drop. New house or old house, no matter,  this will happen! This phenomena is a contributing factor in creating the hot and cold spots you may experience in a home.


In addition to better temperature control, the extended run time gives the air conditioner's more opportunity to remove humidity from the air during the summertime which is another level comfort provided by these systems. Many times when we are still feeling warm we are feeling the humidity that is in the air, this is why we add humidity during the dry winter months with a humidifier accessory. During the summer, we want to remove the humidity. In fact the Carrier Infinity® system takes this a step further with a dehumidification feature which is designed to run the air conditioner in a special mode designed to sap humidity out of the air.


The $avings

    Money back in your pocket

The energy savings these systems provide are fairly impressive. The variable speed motors these units utlize provide excellent low electrical usage coupled with furnaces which provide super high fuel usage recovery. The savings really are two fold.


Gas furnaces are rated with a percentile rating or an AFUE rating. Air conditioners and heat pumps are rated with a SEER or SEER2 rating. The Acronyms stand for Anuual Fuel Usage Efficiency, and for air conditioners it is a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating.


Modulating air conditioners are able to achieve large leaps in efficiency over single speed systems. One way to view how these systems are able to achieve these cost reductions is if you view your heating and cooling system like having a gas pedal in a car. If you floor your gas pedal to all of the neighbor hood stop signs 'the stop signs being the thermostat shutting off'. You will consume more fuel than if you were to gradually accelerate to them. In this analogy you can see how having the benefit multi stage equipment can over time conserve energy. Nothing says savings & comfort like a staged heating & cooling system that is gradually heating a space around a newly built and fully insulated home built to modern standards.

The accsesories

    Keeping the home healthy

In recent years far more attention has been drawn to air quality improvements. There are in most cases three categories these indoor air quality or IAQ products fall into. Humidification, Filtration and Sanitation.


UV Lights - Sanitation

Ultra violet lights are responsible for killing and neutralizing bacteria, mold, and spores inside of the HVAC system. Being that our HVAC systems manage the air in our homes, they have abundant opportunity to pull these air borne rascals in and neutralize them.


Filters - Filtration

Air filters are responsible for trapping air borne particles in the HVAC system's air filter. Not all air filters however are created equal, some do the same job but differently and some are air purifiers which include UV treatment where some offer only very high filtration values. The primary focus of the air filter is to remove air borne dust.


Humidifier - Humidification

Humidifiers help homes with the dry air that settles in during the winter time. Ever experience static electricity in the home or carpets, or even dry nasal in the morning? Ever notice sometimes 70 degrees feels fine and some times 70 degrees feels colder? That is because a humid 70 degrees will feel more comfortable than a dry 70 degrees. This is where the humidifier plays a role in reconstituting the dry in home air with moisture during the winter months. In some cases home owners are able to actually lower the thermostat a couple degrees because the living space during the winter maintains humidity well and thus already feels comfortable enough.

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